Protocol for Perfect Bike Fitting

Cycling is considered to be an exercise today and why not? Just an hour of riding on the two wheels can actually help you lose those extra bulging kilos from your lower belly area. Not only this, doctors are giving more and more reasons to make you cycle that extra mile. But what if the cycle that you are riding is of no fit to you? Will you be able to paddle it any longer? Of course, you won’t. And in any case if you ever face such a situation, then you should look no more and contact a person that offers bike fit services. Now, another thing that you should note or understand is that a bike fit is much more than fixing rider’s seat height according to yours. This is actually done because of the scientifically proved notion that not everyone is of same weight, height or carry the similar body measurements. And this is the basic reason why the bike manufacturers can actually provide you with a facility to correct or fix the bike according to your size. But how much ...